Jordan Bower

Jordan Bower

Inspired Communications

As a Strategic Storyteller, Jordan Bower helps businesses, leaders and teams develop emotional language that effectively frames any product, service or brand.

Jordan has worked with a diverse roster of forward-thinking, clients, including a national association of Canadian financial advisors and a leading solar developer in the Middle East, as well as hedge funds, schools, museums and towns, helping each to better contextualize the importance of their work.

Jordan’s education in storytelling came through years of global travel, during which he visited more than 50 countries and walked by himself from Canada to Mexico. He has been a feature speaker at many events, including Social Media Camp, Canada’s largest digital media event, the Thinklandia ideas forum, and the 2015 Future of Storytelling Summit in New York City, which also featured luminaries like Al Gore, Margaret Atwood and Edward Snowden.

Capitalizing on Your Authentic Story

The days of the mission statement are dead. In the digital world, your storytelling needs to be as dynamic as the marketplace. Your story is communicated in the way you tell your authentic story.

Jordan Bower’s journey through storytelling has taken him around the world, from tiny Tibetan villages in the high Himalayas to the ancient Redwood forests on his walk from Canada to Mexico. In this engaging, emotionally enriched session, he’ll help you optimize the way you think about — and tell — your business story.