Congratulations! Your brand new website is a leaky bucket.
Your website looks amazing! It has all the bells and whistles. It effectively communicates your vision and how you help your customers. You have spent months working with your web developer to craft a website that will change your business forever. You launch your website and…
Few people are visiting your website. Your new site has gone from a Corvette to a virtual lemon the minute you drove it off the lot.
The problem?
Your development team thought they were following the correct steps to ensure your website ranked well in the search engines. They thought they knew how to do SEO. And maybe they do, but they missed a critical step: They didn’t conduct an SEO Audit before developing your website.
It’s like building a house without doing a land survey first. You can try and build the house, but if the ground isn’t stable, and you didn’t account for the shape of the land, then your beautiful house is going to be drafty and eventually will fall apart.
The same holds true for your website.
If you didn’t have an SEO Audit conducted before launching your new website, then Congratulations, your new website is a leaky bucket.
However, not all hope is lost! It’s not too late.
Join Chris Whiteley and Chris Burdge of bWEST Interactive as take you behind the curtain, and ‘open the kimono’, on an actual real-life SEO Audit they just finished conducting for a client. Chris will take you step-by-step through the 14-Point Audit of how we audited this website, what we found and how to fix it.
And the best part is, you’ll learn the DIY of how do it all yourself.

Chris Whiteley
bWEST Interactive
Since 2012 I have been the official “Web Swiss Army Knife” for bWEST.
I have been gifted with the super power: “reverse engineering.” Ever since I was old enough to wield a screwdriver I have been taking things apart to see what makes them tick.
Now I take apart websites, & marketing campaigns to see how and why they are successful.
I like to start at the end, and work to the beginning. It’s the best way to see results: start with what you know and what want, then figure out how to get there.
It’s through this reverse engineering that I built up a solid rolodex of skills (web development, design, WordPress, SEO, Google Analytics, social media, content marketing – and a whole lot more).
At bWEST, I have designed, developed and managed web and online marketing projects for clients including Oak Bay Marine Group, Victoria Conservatory of Music, Island BMW, Victoria International Airport, Pennzoil Victoria, and Wallace Driving School and many more.

Chris Burdge
SOHO Summit - Founder
Chris has been leveraging ‘the web’ to build brands and move products for global brands including BMW, Royal Bank, and Nestle Purina, as well as local businesses including Oak Bay Marine Group, Used Victoria and the Victoria International Airport.
In 2009 Chris founded bWEST Interactive, a digital marketing firm focused on helping clients develop online marketing strategies to grow their business. In 2010 Chris co-founded Social Media Camp, Canada’s largest conference dedicated to the exploration and sharing of ideas and insights around social media.
In 2015 Chris founded SOHO Summit (Victoria and Nanaimo) to help small and home office business owners succeed by empowering them to manage and grow their business, through workshops, 1-1 Expert Advice, peer collaboration and networking.